Ajax Async File Upload Ajax Control Toolkit
Sending Automatic Mails in ASP. NETThe part of automatic sending mail can be done using a timer control from the ajax. So in order to. increase the performance Ive used Background. Worker class of. System. Component. Model. Windowblinds Themes For Windows 7. Component namespace. The Background. Worker class allows you to run an operation on a separate. Time consuming operations like downloads and database. Ajax Async File Upload Ajax Control Toolkit' title='Ajax Async File Upload Ajax Control Toolkit' />Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Update 61 Try adding sentiment analysis to your twitter wall Hey APIFridayers If you have been following along with SAPPHIRE, you know that the SAP API Business. With ASP. NET Core 2, Microsoft has provided us with a brand new alternative to the MVC ModelViewController approach for creating web applications. Microsoft named. UI to seem as though it has stopped. When you want a responsive UI and you are. Background. Worker. To execute a time consuming operation in the background, create a. Background. Worker and listen for events that report the progress of your. You can create the. Background. Worker programmatically or you can drag it onto your form from the. Components tab of the Toolbox. If you create the Background. Worker in the Windows. Forms Designer, it will appear in the Component Tray, and its properties will be. Properties window. To set up a background operation, add an event handler for the Do. Work event. Call your time consuming operation in this event handler. To start the. operation, call Run. Worker. Async. To receive notifications of progress updates. Progress. Changed event. To receive a notification when the operation. Run. Worker. Completed event. Enough of this theory, well go into the example just for testing purpose Ive. Following is the design code for the. Since background worker will create a different thread for executing the code of. Async property of our page to true. Page LanguageC Auto. Event. Wireuptrue Asynctrue Code. FileDefault. aspx. InheritsDefault lt DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3. CDTD XHTML 1. 0 TransitionalEN http www. TRxhtml. 1DTDxhtml. Untitled Pagelt title lt head lt body lt form idform. Button IDButton. On. ClickButton. Click TextSend Mail lt div lt form lt body lt html Following is the source code for the same. System using System. Data using System. Configuration using System. Web using System. Web. Security using System. Web. UI using System. Web. UI. Web. Controls using System. Web. UI. Web. Controls. Web. Parts using System. Web. UI. Html. Controls using System. Component. Model using System. Net using System. Net. Mail using System. Threading public partial class Default System. Web. UI. Page Background. Worker bw protected void PageLoadobject sender, Event. Args e bw new Background. Worker bw. Do. Worknew Do. Work. Event. HandlerbwDo. Work bw. Worker. Supports. Cancellation true bw. Worker. Reports. Progress false public void Send. Mail Mail. Message msg new Mail. Message msg. From new Mail. Addresscinema. To. Addvishalgilbilerediffmail. Body Testing the automatic mail msg. Is. Body. Html true msg. Subject Movie Data Smtp. Client smt new Smtp. Clientsmtp. gmail. Port 5. 87 smt. Credentials new Network. CredentialYour Gmail Id, Your Password smt. Enable. Ssl true smt. Sendmsg string script lt script alertMail Sent Successfully self. Client. Script. Register. Client. Script. Blockthis. Get. Type, send. Mail, script public void bwDo. Workobject sender, Do. Work. Event. Args e Send. Zbrush For Windows'>Zbrush For Windows. New York State Employment Agency License Illinois'>New York State Employment Agency License Illinois. Mail protected void Button. Clickobject sender, Event. Args e Date. Time currenttime Date. Time. Now currenttime currenttime. Add. Seconds1. 0 Thread. Sleep1. 00. 00 if currenttime Date. Time. Now bw. Run. Worker. Async In this code after the user clicks the button the mail will be send. Following is the output for the same.